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FAQ - Card Issues/Replacements

FAQ for Card Issues/Replacements can be found below.


For information and process for card redemptions, please see; REDEMPTIONS

For the General FAQ and to contact Select, please see: FAQ - General


The cards below have been deemed by Select to be eligible for replacement/swap for anyone that holds the card(s), due to a significant manufacturing issue or error.

For issues about other cards, please see the FAQ below regarding the Card Replacement Policy, and if then relevant, you may open a case for our consideration.


Upon investigation following customer feedback, it was found that a small portion of the specific cards listed below have a significant foiling alignment issue due to the double foiling process required for this Series. This issue did not appear during our QC process and is due to the variable pressure applied by the foil press when double foiling during mass production. When too much pressure is applied then too much foil is pressed into the card leading to foil expanding beyond the designated area.


Due to the significance of these cards, Select has made the decision to re-print the cards listed below. Holders** of the card(s) have the option to swap the original card(s) for new re-printed versions of the card(s) (expected to be available October, 2023).


To swap your card(s) (only from the list below) you must send it/them by registered mail to Select GEM Replacement, PO Box 82, Terrey Hills, NSW, 2084. Please include a CLEAR note inside the envelope with your full name, and the email address used on your Select Australia web site account. When the new cards are ready, we will mail the replacement card(s) (of the same number Sapphire /70, Emerald /55, Ruby /40 as the card(s) sent to us) to the address stored in your account.


The original card(s) will be destroyed. Please make sure your shipping address is current in your account (and on the back of the package/envelope sent to us).It is NOT possible to have both the original card and the new replacement card.


Holders of the card(s) have at their own discretion the choice to decide whether to swap cards, until until Dec 31, 2024. ** You do not need to be the original owner of the card(s) to exercise this option. Anyone that holds the original card(s) has the option to swap for the new card, until the cut off date. 




GEM Sapphire
GS 6  Charlie Cameron
GS 7 Josh Dunkley
GS 9 Sam Docherty
GS 12 Jacob Weitering
GS 16 Steele Sidebottom
Gs 18 Mason Redman
GS 20 Peter Wright
GS 24 Luke Ryan
GS 26 Mitch Duncan
GS 28 Tom Stewart
GS 30 Harry Himmelberg
GS 32 Callan Ward
GS 57 Jade Gresham
GS 69 Tim English
GS 70 Jack Macrae
GEM Emerald
GE 3 Will Ashcroft
GE 11  Luke Jackson
GE 12 Caleb Serong
GE 13 Patrick Dangerfield
GE 14 Tom Hawkins
GE 18 Matt Rowell
GEM Ruby
GR 1 Jordan Dawson
GR 7 Jeremy Cameron
GR 13 Jason Horne-Francis
GR 16 Lance Franklin
Yes. The “2023 Virtuoso Blue Signature - Hugh McCluggage” (and paired redemption card) that were released as part of the 2023 Footy Stars Instant Win Competition, contain a spelling error in the players name. Due to the significance of these cards, Select has made the decision to have them re-printed and re-signed. Holders** of the cards have the option to swap the error cards for new corrected versions of the cards. To swap the cards you must send both VBS2 and VBSR2, by registered mail to Select VBS Replacement, PO Box 82, Terrey Hills, NSW, 2084. Please include a CLEAR note inside the envelope with your full name, and the email address used on your Select Australia web site account. We will mail the replacement cards (of the same number /60 as the cards sent to us) to the address stored in your account. The original cards will be destroyed. Please make sure your shipping address is current in your account (and on the back of the package sent to us). It is NOT possible to keep both the error cards and the new replacement cards of the same #/60. Holders of the cards have at their own discretion to decide whether to swap the pair of error cards for the pair of new cards, until Dec 31, 2024.  ** You do not need to be the original prize winner to exercise this option. Anyone that holds the error card pair has the option to swap for the corrected card pair, until the cut off date.
The 2021 Optimum, Influential IC15 Max King card that was released, is missing the "Influential" foil header. This card has now been reprinted, and is now eligible for replacement (swap of the number of the card you have). Please send your card, by registered mail to Select Cards Max King Replacement, PO Box 5206, Laburnum, VIC, 3130. Please include a CLEAR note in the envelope with your name, and the email address used on your Select Australia web site account. We will mail the replacement card of the same number to the address stored in your account, and the original card will be destroyed. Please make sure your shipping address is current in your account. We will not take responsibility for incorrect information. It is NOT possible to have both the error card and the new replacement card.
The Footy Stars 2021, BANG! BC26 J. DAICOS: This BANG! card has a spelling error of the player's name on the front of the card (DIACOS instead of DAICOS). This card has now been reprinted, and is now eligible for replacement (swap of the number of the card you have). Please send your card, by registered mail to SELECT AUSTRALIA BANG REPLACEMENT, PO BOX 82, TERREY HILLS, NSW, 2084. Please include a CLEAR note in the envelope with your name, and the email address used on your Select Australia web site account. We will mail the replacement card of the same number to the address stored in your account, and the original card will be destroyed. Please make sure your shipping address is current in your account. We will not take responsibility for incorrect information. It is NOT possible to have both the error card and the new replacement card.
Cards with damage during the manufacturing process, and direct from a pack are subject to our Card Replacement Policy. Damaged cards purchased or traded on the secondary market are not considerable for replacement. If you believe your issue fits within the policy, please follow the instructions to open a new case/ticket.