2022 AFL Footy Stars

- Release Date 1 March 2022
- RRP $2.99 per pack
- Cards per pack 9
- Packs per box 36
- Box per case 12
- Full Checklist PDF
Footy Stars, Select's traditional first series of the season, targets collectors of all ages.
Featuring many of the insert series which collectors of all ages know and love - the Starburst Caricatures (Paint for 2022), the Milestone cards, the Brownlow Predictor, the Premiership Predictor (18 cards) and Coleman Predictor cards (18) all returned.
A variation of the Gamebreakers returns. In Footy Stars 2022 Gamebreakers focuses on each team's most effective players in their Forward 50.
For the first time Footy Stars features new insert sets AFL Classified (150), Numbers (216) and Fractured - Artic Blue (216). Also included in Footy Stars is the Spectrum Redemption Set which comprises a 5 card set - Redemptions cards 1, 2 and 3 are available in Footy Stars and Redemption cards 4 and 5 are included in Footy Stars - Jumbos.
Virtuoso cards (36) were introduced to add something more for the seasoned collectors.
Also inserted into packs are the special gold seal cards to commemorate Select's 30th Anniversary.
Cards | No. of Cards | Ratio | Numbered |
Base Cards | 223 | unnumbered | |
Base Parallel - Purple | 223 | 1:3 | unnumbered |
Starburst Caricature - Paint | 72 | 1:4 | unnumbered |
Gamebreakers - Forward 50 | 90 | 1:6 | unnumbered |
Milestone Games | 79 | 1:8 | unnumbered |
Gold Seal - 30th Anniversary | 223 | 1:12 | unnumbered |
AFL Classified | 150 | 1:36 | 270 |
Numbers - Daylight | 216 | 1:36 | 190 |
Fractured - Artic Blue | 216 | 1:36 | 190 |
Spectrum Redemption | 54 | 1:216 | 125 |
Brownlow Predictors - Gold | 108 | 1:72 | 185 |
Coleman Predictors | 18 | 1:432 | 185 |
Premiership Predictors | 18 | 1:432 | 185 |
Virtuoso | 36 | 1:600 | 70 |
Competition Card | 1 | 1:36 | unnumbered |