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2022 AFL Footy Stars Hobby

  • Release Date1st March 2022
  • RRP $5.99 per pack
  • Cards per pack 18
  • Packs per box 18
  • Box per case 8
  • Full Checklist PDF

Footy Stars, Select's first series of the season, targets collectors of all ages and comes with a twist with the first hobby release of the tradutional product.

Featuring many of the insert series which collectors of all ages know and love - the Starburst Caricatures (Ice for Jumbos) and the Milestone cards (88 cards) return. 

A variation of the Gamebreakers also returns. In Footy Stars 2022 and Footy Stars 2022 Jumbo, Gamebreakers focuses on each team's most effective players in their Forward 50.

For the first time Footy Stars Jumbos feature new insert sets Blank Canvas (198) Numbers - Midnight (216) and Fractured - Acid Yellow (216).

Also included in Footy Stars 2022 is the Spectrum Redemption Set which comprises a 5 card set - Redemptions cards 1, 2 and 3 are available in Footy Stars and Redemption cards 4 and 5 are included in Footy Stars - Jumbos.  

Each Jumbo case comes with a separate Virtuoso pack in the case containing one Virtuoso redemption card randomly inserted and each numbered to 70. 

There are 2 additional Virtuoso cards for each team plus Virtuoso cards of Sam Walsh, Taylor Adams, Christian Petracca, Dustin Martin, Jack Steele and Bailey Smith Virtuoso cards.  In total a set of 42 Virtuoso cards are available in the Jumbos through the Virtuoso packs.

For cases which have been broken down and shipped as orders from Select, every 8th box will receive the Virtuoso pack as a free bonus.

Virtuoso Autograph Redemption cards (6) are also introduced to the Jumbo release to add something more for the seasoned collectors.  

The 6 autograph cards feature some of the biggest names in the game including Sam Walsh, Taylor Adams, Christian Petracca, Dustin Martin, Jack Steele and Bailey Smith.

Also inserted into packs are the special gold seal cards to commemorate Select's 30th Anniversary.



Cards No. of Cards Ratio Numbered
Base Cards 223 unnumbered
Base Parallel - Sunset 223 1:2 unnumbered
Starburst Caricature - Ice 72 1:3 unnumbered
Gamebreakers - Forward 50 90 1:3 unnumbered
Milestone Games 88 1:4 unnumbered
Gold Seal - 30th Anniversary 223 1:6 unnumbered
Blank Canvas 198 1:9 250
Fractured - Acid Yellow 216 1:14 145
Numbers - Midnight 216 1:16 130
Spectrum Redemption 36 1:108 125
Virtuoso Redemption Pack 42 1 per case 70
Virtuoso Autograph Redemption 6 1:1296 60
Competition Card 1 1:18 unnumbered